Pueblo Clover Honey!

Many plants produce sweet nectar that bees turn into honey.
When the bees gather nectar primarily from the same type of plant the honey takes on distinct tastes that is much more vibrant and unique than any honey you find at the store.
The Honey has a sweet almost-fruity taste and is definitely unique. I really like it on pancakes or waffles but it would work as good on sandwiches or in tea.
*Note: Our Pueblo Clover this year is very different than previous years. The bees go where they want and this year with different flowers blooming it's got a nice yellow color. It's a nice mellow sweet and is amazing. We think the flower is mostly Bee balm or bergamot.
Even though the honey is primarily clover, those bees go wherever the nectar is so it will also have a healthy portion of other nectars of the flowers of the desert.
Additionally since we do not heat, filter or homogenize our honey, we leave in natural pollens that are super healthy and many people find it helps with allergies.